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WOD – Thu, Jan 11


Speed Strength! There is such a thing known as “accommodating resistance”. This is a form of resistance that add a variance of tension to the load we are moving. This means that at certain points in a lift it may be heavier or lighter than another. Today we use a band on our deadlift bar to allow us to use “light loads” in the form of weights, yet an increasing tension and resistance as we stand through the deadlift. This style of training creates SPEED, and unknown to many, speed is one of the most if not THE most influential aspect of strength. Want to get stronger? Start by getting faster! It is a neurological adaptation that sometimes happen faster than packing on muscle. Today we focus on good form in the set up, but violence and sped on the bar. The sets won’t feel hard if you don’t do them as 3 single lifts that are Max efforts! So treat each rep with urgency as if coach was going to time each rep separately and it was a race to the top! Then when you row, we are trying to get what is called PAP, post activation potentiation. This is where we use the musclulator we just woke up through the speed deadlifts and allow them to help us row fast and powerful in an ALL OUT SPRINT!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 pigeon stretch each leg

1:00 couch stretch each leg


20 Jumping jacks

10 Walking straight leg toe touch

10 Walking lunge + overhead reach

20 High knee’s (10 each leg)

20 Butt kickers (10 each leg)

2 rounds


5 Empty barbell deadlifts

10 Long smooth and technical row strokes (not max speed)

2 rounds

Strength Speed Couplet (Weight)

Every 3:00 x 6 sets (18:00)

Banded Deadlift 6×3 at 50% 1rm (How to set up:

After each set

Row 100m AFAP (set rower to count meters down. Go HARD. )

*put your row times in notes.

Steady Climb (AMRAP – Reps)

“Steady Climb”


Thruster (75/55lb.)

Toes to bar


12:00 AMRAP

“Steady Climb”


Thruster (75/55lb.)

Hanging leg raise/ Knee’s to arm pits


12:00 AMRAP

“Steady Climb”


Thruster (45/35lb.)

V up


12:00 AMRAP

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or Row