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WOD – Fri, Jan 5


Our strength work today is an upper body pull and weighted core work. If you cannot add load to your body for chin ups, that’s ok! Understand that as a muscle group our back muscles take up the majority of muscle mass from the waist up, if we strengthen these muscles and allow them to grow we significantly increase our lean body mass up top. As we do that, we become much more proficient at needing to use more energy as fuel and can help our body burn fat, so this isn’t just about getting strong but also leaner. Acceleration is a conditioning piece that should encourage speed and unbroken sets early, if you know the load prescribed is touch for you, scale back so you can go fast early!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 Bike

1:00 Row

3 rounds (6:00 total)


:20-:30 dead hang (supinated grip)

10 Hollow Rock

15 Ground to overhead (25/15lb. plate)

10 Lateral plate jump up and over (start beside plate, jump on, then off to other side, repeat)

3 rounds

Strength Couplet (8 Rounds for reps)

Every 3:00 x 4 sets execute:

6-8 Strict or Weighted Chin Ups


10 Weighted GHD Sit Ups (Medball, Dumbbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, be creative)

Acceleration (Time)



15/10 Cal Bike

20 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35lb.)

30 Medball Russian Twist (20/14lb.)

2:00 Rest

5 rounds for time.


15/10 Cal Bike

20 Alternating DB Snatch (35/20lb.)

30 Medball Russian Twist (14/10 lb.)

2:00 Rest

5 rounds for time.


10/6 Cal Bike

14 Alternating DB Snatch (20/15lb.)

20 Medball Russian Twist Unweighted

2:00 Rest

5 rounds for time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3x max reps barbell bicep burl (find a load that allows for 12 + reps, keep the tempo slower down than up, once you can’t keep that tempo you are done!)

Rest 2-3:00 between sets.