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WOD – Wed, Jan 3


Simple and effective and needed when it comes to fitness and overall body composition change. One of our biggest limiters in large group class settings is that we can’t often go long and slow. These simple AMRAP style cardio sessions act as 2 important things, a means to burn body fat, especially when weighing and measuring your food (or in a slight deficit) and also building the foundation of aerobic development. If you want to go faster in short and powerful pieces then we need a better foundation of aerobic fitness, going long helps you recover while you are going strong!

Warm up (Checkmark)

1:00 Foam roll Quads

1:00 foam roll hamstrings


1:00 Couch Stretch each leg

1:00 Pigeon stretch each leg

1:00 Pancake stretch (seated, wide legs, reach between)

1:00 standing Hamstring stretch


Review rowing/ running technique and GOOOO!

Cardio so Hardio (Calories)


“Cardio so Hardio”

1:00 Bike (Cals)

1:00 Row (Cals)

1:00 shuttle Run (25ft. Out and back =1rep)

1:00 REST

10 rounds for max reps

Intermediate + Baseline have the same work. Scale total number of rounds for folks whom have conditioning limitations. Subbing the run for a ski erg for anyone with a lower body limitation.

Cool Down (AMRAP – Reps)

2:00 Max Alternating V – Up