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WOD – Tue, Jan 2


Through this 45 day cycle we will do many “supersets” in a given time domain. You will be responsible for 2 tasks in the same working time window. The goal isn’t to do it “for time” but for load and quality. It should leave you with time to adjust weights, share equipment and go from movement to movement without much rush. Keep the prescribe rep schemes unbroken with the weight you choose.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or Row


5 Banded pass throughs

10 Band pull a parts

10 Band overhead pull a parts

15 Banded good morning

2 rounds


5 Push Up + shoulder tap right and left (1 push up + 1 shoulder tap right + 1 tap left)

5 Sit Up

10 Toe Pop (light jump through calves and ankles)

3 rounds

Strength Couplet (8 Rounds for reps)

Every 3:00 x 4 sets (12:00)


12 Bench Press reps


15 Dumbbell romanian Deadlifts

Body Weight Work (Time)


“Body weight Work”

50 Double Unders

20 GHD Sit Ups

20 Push Up

5 rounds for time.

15:00 Cap


“Body weight Work”

25 Double Unders or 50 Lateral bar jump overs

20 Abmat sit ups

10 Push Up

5 rounds for time.

15:00 Cap


“Body weight Work”

50 single unders

20 Abmat sit ups

20 Kneeling Push Up

5 rounds for time.

15:00 Cap

Cool Down (Checkmark)


3×12 lateral Dumbbell shoulder raise


3×10 lateral bent over shoulder raise

*Slower down than up tempo for both.