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WOD – Mon, Jan 1
 Our focus for this Rise45 is simple–get you results. This challenge will have an emphasis on 7 principles that, when applied properly for the long term, can give you the wealth in the form of health that you most desire:
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Rise45 tester! Get after this chipper today after the warm up with fresh legs and a fresh body. Let’s see how fast you can complete it and our goal is to retest as a final WOD through Rise45 to see our progress through performance. Note clearly how you choose to scale or execute the workout today so that you know how to attack it in the tester when we finish! This is an old school chipper which means you have to go through in order and complete each movement in its entirety before advancing to the next, its a great test of fitness and local muscle stamina.

Warm up (Checkmark)

3:00 Row or Bike


1:00 Samson stretch each side (back knee resting on floor)

1:00 Lying Lumbar rotation twist (Link:


8:00 AMRAP for quality

5 Scap push up

5 Push Up

5 Scap pull Up

5 Kipping Swings

3-5 strict pull up

10 Jack Knife

10 Lateral Lunge (5 each side)

10 Air Squat


Finish the 45 (Time)


“Finish the 45”

45 Bar facing Burpee

45 Front Squat (135/95lb.)

45 Toes to bar

45 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95lb.)

45 Pull Ups

For time.


“Finish the 45”

45 Bar facing Burpee

45 Front Squat (95/65lb.)

45 Kipping Hanging leg raise

45 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65lb.)

45 Banded Pull Up

For time.


“Finish the 45”

30 Bar facing Burpee

45 Front Squat (45/35lb.)

45 Lying Leg Raise

45 Shoulder to Overhead (45/35lb.)

45 Ring Row

For time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Accumulate 1:00 L Sit or L Hang