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WOD – Sat, Dec 30
 Saturday December 30th. 8am-12pm. 3 workouts. 10$ cash entry per athlete the day of the competition.
 There will be a prizes.
 Sign up your name and level of fitness on the whiteboard.
 Teams will be made one from each category to balance out teams RISE45
 Our focus for this Rise45 is simple–get you results. This challenge will have an emphasis on 7 principles that, when applied properly for the long term, can give you the wealth in the form of health that you most desire:
 Click on the links below to get started and registered to start 1 Jan 2024.
 “Register now”
 Populated at the bottom of the page


Today’s focus is to finish 2023 strong! Pick a partner and attack this workout for time. All work can be split however you decide works best for the team. Reps are odd of course so some planning will need to happen if you hope to split all the work evenly. Much of the time will be spent on the rower, so plan to rotate there efficiently and keep paces aggressive

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Each athlete:

10 hips + arms only row strokes

10 legs + hips only row strokes

10 full powerful strokes on rower


3 inch worm

6 Kipping swings

6 Hip down push up

8 Air Squat

4 Box step up

4 Box jump (step down or jump down)

3 rounds


Set up groups and plan for scales and WOD execution:

Finisher (Time)



2023 meter Row


20 Single arm Devil press (50/35lb.)

23 Wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

20 Box Jump (24/20’)

23 KB Swing (70/53lb. American)

4 rounds


2023 meter Row

For time.


2023 meter Row


20 Single arm Devil press (35/20.)

23 Wallball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)

20 Box Jump (20’/14’)

23 KB Swing (53/35. American)

4 rounds


2023 meter Row

For time.


2023 meter Row (can be scaled to 1k)


20 Single arm Devil press (20/15.)

23 Wallball (10/6lb.) (9ft.)

20 Box Jump (10/4’, stack plates or over bar if possible)

23 KB Swing (20/15lb.American)

3 rounds


2023 meter Row (can be scaled to 1023m)

For time.

Cool Down (AMRAP – Reps)

Tabata Bicep Curl

*pick a barbell, a set of DB’s, a band….pick your poison!

8x :20 work/ :10 rest!

Chase the pump!