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WOD – Tue, Dec 26
 Saturday December 30th. 8am-12pm. 3 workouts. 10$ cash entry per athlete the day of the competition.
 There will be a prizes.
 Sign up your name and level of fitness on the whiteboard.
 Teams will be made one from each category to balance out teams RISE45
 Our focus for this Rise45 is simple–get you results. This challenge will have an emphasis on 7 principles that, when applied properly for the long term, can give you the wealth in the form of health that you most desire:
 Click on the links below to get started and registered to start 1 Jan 2024.
 “Register now”
 Populated at the bottom of the page


Move the body, sweat, breathe heavy, burn off the calories of Christmas weekend! Today’s the day we set a new PR, let’s put those carbs to work (wink, wink).

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or Row easy


10 PVC Pass through

10 PVC Good morning

10 PVC ISO Squat + Twist (5 twists each way)

10 PVC Sotts press

2 rounds


10 Scap push up

10 Scap pull up

5 Roll back + Wide leg forward reach Link:

10 Medball deadlift

2 rounds

Front Squat (Front squat
Build to a 1rm today in 15:00.
Set a new PR!!)
Light Weight, Big Fitness (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


“Light Weight, Big Fitness”

20/ 15 Cal Bike or Cal Row

20 Medball Squat Clean (20/14lb.)

20 Push Up

20 Pull Up

20 minute AMRAP


“Light Weight, Big Fitness”

20/ 15 Cal Bike or Cal Row

20 Medball Squat Clean (20/14lb.)

20 Push Up (knee’s)

20 Pull Up (banded)

20 minute AMRAP


“Light Weight, Big Fitness”

12/8 Cal Bike or Cal Row

10 Medball Squat Clean (14/10lb.)

10 Push Up (kneeling or on wall)

10 Pull Up (banded, jumping or leg supported)

20 minute AMRAP

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 banded lat stretch each arm

2:00 Pancake stretch