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WOD – Mon, Dec 11

Weekly Intent

21-15-9 theme week!

Why? This is a magical approach to programming. Coach Glassman tried many renditions to see what maximized both physiological and psychological adaptations in his clients. 21-15-9 is a beautiful reward for the mind and body when half the work in a workout is done in the first round but equally devastating when one realizes the fatigue already accumulated through the journey to 15’s. This week pay homage to this rep scheme and also do some experimenting of our own. Fitness is on the other side of intensity, may the odds be ever in your favor.


Today we execute a triplet focused on some high power output! The external loading of the wallball isn’t much to slow down the workout, but the box jumps prior will create a unique challenge due to the lower body fatigue. The break will happen for the legs at the pull up, but it won’t last long. The challenge is the pyramid rep scheme that leads the athletes down and back up to 21!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

:30 controlled calf raises each leg

1:00 pigeon each leg

1:00 knight stretch each leg (kneeling hip flexor stretch)


20 jumping jacks

10 Kipping swings

10 toe touch to squat

2 rounds


6 box jump + step down

3-5 strict pull up or ring row

5 medball front squat

3 rounds


Jump, throw, pull (Time)



Box jump over (24/20)

Wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

Pull up

For time



Box jump over (24/20)

Wallball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)

Pull up (banded)

For time



Box jump over (12/6’)

Wallball (10/6ft.) (9ft.)

Ring row / Leg supported pull up

For time

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Banded Terminal knee extension 3×10 each leg (


Banded hollow rock 3×10-20 (