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WOD – Thu, Dec 7


Today we go heavy in a different way, establishing a 10rm deadlift. Pulling with strength and power is one thing, but what about adding endurance to the puzzle? That is what happens when we exceed reps of the 3-6 range. Build to a heavy 10, any grip will do but the reps must be unbroken. Today’s conditioning is designed to be one that is equally challenging mentally as physically. How long can you hold on to the KB? Is unbroken a possibility? Can it be done in 2-3 sets? Maybe for some, what about for you? Scale to a load that give you capacity to do a minimum of 30 reps unbroken.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Row or Bike


5 knight to hamstring stretch each leg (

5 Inchworm

5 Back Roll to reach (

3 rounds


*Light KB here

5 suitcase Deadlift each side

5 Single arm KB Swing each side

3 rounds

Deadlift ((15:00)
Establish a 10rm Touch and go deadlift
Death Grip (Time)


150 Kettlebell Swing (70/53lb.)

Every time you you rest the KB on the ground you must execute 10 KB Deadlifts.

*Standard is KB above head height, not directly overhead.


150 Kettlebell Swing (53/35lb.)

Every time you you rest the KB on the ground you must execute 10 KB Deadlifts.

*Standard is KB above head height, not directly overhead.


150 or 100 Kettlebell Swing (35/20lb.)

Every time you you rest the KB on the ground you must execute 5 KB Deadlifts.

*Standard is KB above head height, not directly overhead. Adapt the standard based on capacity. Adjust volume based on individuals experience and capacity.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×10 Terminal Knee extension (

Superset with

3×10 Single leg Glute bridge each leg (shoulders on ground)