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WOD – Wed, Nov 29


No strength work today! This puts a specific emphasis on the conditioning prescribed today. The goal is to run fast, run aggressive but only enough so that you can go as big as possible on Toes to bar. So yes, we want a ton of reps, but we also we ant a fast time. Remember training isn’t always clear cut competing and do make it so simple we will miss the growth we can seek by good training. Today is good training, we want both more and faster! Try to track your run times individually for personal knowledge.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


1:00 Couch stretch each leg

1:00 pigeon stretch each leg


20 High knee’s

20 Butt kicks

20 Straight leg high kick

20 Walk lunge with high knee drive


10 Kipping swings

10 Hollow Rock

10 Kipping knees to chest

2 rounds


100m Run + 3-5 toes to bar

2 rounds

Final Kick (AMRAP – Reps)


400m Run

Max Toes to bar

4 rounds for time.


400m Run

Max knees to chest

4 rounds for time.


400m Run

Max lying leg raise (hands on rig, or KB on ground to hold onto)

4 rounds for time.

**Note your finishing time as well!

Finisher (Checkmark)

GHD Hip Extension 3×12 (hold weight on chest if possible)


Banded lateral monster walk (x 50ft. Each way)

3 sets

Rest as needed between supersets. (Demo:

*you can band at the ankle or just below the knee. The goal is to keep the stationary leg from knee caving in as you take each next step.)