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WOD – Mon, Nov 27


Benchmark Monday! We open with some strength work today to keep the gains trending in the upward direction with our Front Squats. If you hit the front squat day last week, you know that you should executing all working sets at a heavier load than all working sets last week, this is why they are lower in reps. Then we hit a classic, FRAN! The stimulus should be scaled so that all the athletes finish around 7:00 with a hard time cap of 10:00. The load for the thrusters should selected based around the number 15, if you can’t get 15 unbroken thrusters with the load you are using it is too heavy.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Run, Row or Bike


4 rounds

6 Walking Lunge

3 Wide stance squats

3 normal stance squats

3 narrow stance squats

3 Wall Walks

3-5 Strict Pull up or Ring Row


As a group on coaches cue:

3 Front Squat

3 Push Press

3 Thruster (paused in front rack)

3 Linked Thrusters

Front Squat (Front Squat 4×4
**Every 3:00 x 4 sets execute 4 challenging Front squats (80-85% of a 1rm is a window to begin within or remain in for the sets.)
FRAN (Time)




Thruster (95/65lb.)

Pull Up

For time.




Thruster (65/45lb.)

Pull Up (Banded pull up or Jumping pull up)

For time.




Thruster (45/30lb.)

Ring Row or Seated to standing pull up (supported by legs)

For time.

Finisher (Distance)

On an erg of your choice:

10 rounds of :30 work/ :30 rest

This will add capacity to your fitness and act as a flush for the lower legs and total body for the rest of the week!