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WOD – Tue, Nov 21


Today we start heavy and stay heavy on the front squats. The goal is to build strength for the next 5 weeks so we want to emphasize these being working sets as much as we can. The conditioning today demands focus and skills, but is certainly prioritizing midline conditioning. Allow for some time for the athletes who don’t have double under to practice them prior to starting. Today is also a good day to set a time limit during the workout for athletes to attempt double under even if they previously haven’t done them in a workout. This forces them to try, and also can allow some people to surprise themselves. In order to miantain the stimulus they can’t attempt and miss for 2 long, but a couple minutes today perhaps 2:00, would be appropriate.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Jump rope (vary your style here, practice different skills, explore)


3 Inch worm

6 Spiderman + twist

9 No push up burpee

12 Hollow Rock

3 rounds


5 Wall Squat

5 Goblet Squat (light KB or DB)

5 Squat Jump

2 rounds

Front Squat (4×6 Front Squat
**Every 3:00 x 4 sets execute 6 challenging Front squats (68-75% of a 1rm is a window to begin within or remain in for the sets.)
Spin Sit Jump (Time)

RX Conditioning:

500 single under

50 abmat sit up

250 double under

50 abmat sit up

50 box jump over (24/20’)

50 abmat sit up

For time.


500 single under

50 abmat sit up

250 double under

50 abmat sit up

50 box jump over (20’)

50 abmat sit up

For time.


250 single under

25 abmat sit up

100 Single leg single under or 100 Single under

25 abmat sit up

50 Box step up (appropriate height for capacity)

25 abmat sit up

For time.

Cool Down (3 Rounds for reps)

GHD Hip Extension


*advanced athletes can use weight here today! *

Rest as needed.