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WOD – Fri, Nov 17


Today we hit some rare skill work in the form of rope climbs! A lot like the RMU, this may be something you wonder about in regards to its significance in our fitness journey, but it has many. Grip strength, stamina, accuracy, coordination, patience are all developed with a skill like the rope climb. Attack the time for skills with focus and scale the movement in the conditioning to meet your ability wear it is. Go heavy on the front squat triple today and select a weight for the metcon that challenges you for the sets of 10, but should be able to be 10 unbroken reps for 3-4 of the rounds for certain.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Warm Up

3:00 Bike or Row


10 Wrist rotations out + 10 In

:20 Wrist stretch extension (kneeling + fingers toward knee’s + palms down)

:20 Wrist stretch flexion (kneeling + fingers facing each other + palms up)

2 rounds


6 Ground to overhead (no weight, just hands)

6 Scorpion stretch (3 each side)

6 Wall Squat (facing wall)

:10 Supinate deadhang from rig

4 rounds for quality

Front Squat (Strength
In 10:00 build to a heavy set of 3 front squats.
Today no risk of missing a set, this is a primer for the WOD.
Skills (Checkmark)


10:00 of rope climb practice and refinement.

Conditioning (Time)


7 Rounds for time.

10 Front Squat at (Men: Body weight /Women: 80% BW)

3 Rope Climb (15ft.)


7 Rounds for time.

10 Front Squat at (Men: 75% BW/ 55% BW)

3 Rope Climb (8-12ft.) or 1 RX height at 15ft.


7 Rounds for time.

10 Front Squat at (a load that allows for 10 unbroken reps each round)

6 Seated to standing from box or from floor (Modified Rope Climb)

Cool Down (6 Rounds for reps)

Cool Down:

GHD Hip extension 3×10 (add weight if possible)


Lateral Side Bend 3×10 each side (DB or KB in opposite hand)

Rest as needed.