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WOD – Fri, Nov 10


Intent: Barbell-ccentric day! This was the final for the Rogue Invitational and it was an exciting sprint style workout for the elites all the way through the finish. For us the goal is to use a weight that challenges us to elicit a strength stimulus while still sustaining the ability to keep moving. Before we get into fast fun portion we will establish a heavy front squat 3 that will act as a primer for the cycling in the workout.

Warm up (Checkmark)

Warm Up:

3:00 Bike or Row

1:00 Pigeon stretch each leg

1:00 Couch stretch each leg


6 minute AMRAP for quality

5 Wall Squats

6 Medball Deadlifts

6 Medball Front Squats

6 Medball Squat cleans

6 Medball Push Press (press up and back to warm the overhead position)

Skills and Drills (Checkmark)


5:00 working on jump rope skills

  • single unders
  • Single leg single unders
  • Double under practice
  • Linking reps, jump lower, spin faster, elbows in and back, spin through wrist.
Front Squat (Strength:
Establish a heavy set of 3 front squats
As a primer to the WOD!
Walk Off (Time)

RX conditioning:

3 rounds

25 double under

5 power clean (225/155)

2 rounds

25 double under

5 squat clean

1 round

25 double under

5 clean and jerk (anyway)

10:00 cap


3 rounds

25 double under

5 power clean (185/125lb.)

2 rounds

25 double under

5 squat clean

1 round

25 double under

5 clean and jerk (anyway)

10:00 cap


3 rounds

25 double under

5 power clean (135/95lb.)

2 rounds

25 double under

5 squat clean

1 round

25 double under

5 clean and jerk (anyway)

10:00 cap

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3:00 easy bike

1:00 Couch stretch each leg

1:00 pigeon stretch each leg