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WOD – Thu, Nov 9


Intent: Today we chase high intensity but with no risk of further soreness or muscle damage. This day can be looked at as an active rest day for members who have been “burning it down” so far this week. But if it is only day 1 or day 2 for you, chase intensity for best results and see how far you can get in 30:00. Regardless, the beauty of erg conditioning is that there will be no tissue you damage, other than some fatigue built up, tomorrow you can chase intensity again with no worry!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Warm Up:

8 minute AMRAP for quality

20 Lateral Plate hops

10 Plate Deadlifts

10 Plate squats (goblet style)

10 Sit ups (plate optional)


On the erg you plan to use in the WOD

:30 faster pace than you plan to hold

:30 Rest

X 4

Time Trial (Calories)

Time trial:

Row or bike

30:00 minutes for max calories

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Cool Down

Hip Airplane (Hip Airplane)

3x 6 each leg


V Up

3x 25