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WOD – Wed, Nov 8


Intent: Today’s workout is high skill and high capacity. The biggest consideration must be around volume tolerance and overall capacity. Consider scaling the muscle ups to something that can be done in 1 set through most rounds and perhaps 2 as fatigue builds with a quick rest. From a strategy perspective the snatches should be broken up early and often, no matter how light they “feel” for you, it will help you develop a rhythm through the 10 rounds and keep your heart rate down as well as your shoulder fatigue. There is much movement interference here with all 3 movements utilizing the shoulder girdle in different functions.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Warm Up:

6/4 Cal Row

10 Banded pass through

10 Overhead band pull a parts (band should come down behind head)

3 Inch worm

6 Siderman with a twist

2 rounds

5 Snatch grip deadlift

4 Muscle Snatch

3 Power Snatch

3 Ring Row

3 Ring Dip

3 rounds

Skills and Drills (Checkmark)

10:00 Ring muscle up skills and drills

  • Low ring muscle up drill (kneel’s forward)
  • Low ring row muscle up drills (feet forward)
  • Jumping ring muscle up
  • Ring pull up/ Ring Dip for strength development
  • Linking Ring muscle ups together for those who will RX
10th Inning (Time)


“10th Inning”

10 rounds for time:

4 Ring Muscle Up


12 Power snatch (95/65lb.)

25:00 Time Cap


“10th Inning”

10 rounds for time:

6 Chest to bar pull up


12 Power snatch (75/55lb.)

25:00 Time Cap


“10th Inning”

6 rounds for time:

6 Pull up (banded or jumping)

8 Pike HSPU (box or feet on floor)

12 Power snatch (45/35lb.)

25:00 Time Cap

Cool down (Checkmark)

Cool Down:

3×10 Single Arm DB Cuban Press (each arm)


3×15 Banded Face Pull

Rest as needed.