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WOD – Tue, Nov 7


Intent: Today we build to a heavy single as a primer before we get into the primary portion of training. When you build up in load, if you feel good today, KEEP going and potentially hit a PR! No more than 1 miss however, we need plenty of energy for the conditioning. “Hulk Hands” is a really cool workout the athletes did in an all out downpour at Rogue. The hard part for athletes will likely be the double ground to overhead, figure out which you prefer, to touch the DB’s inside your legs or outside your legs. We saw both methods used at a high level.

Warm up (Checkmark)

Warm Up:

8 minute AMRAP for quality

20 Jumping Jacks

3 Inch worm

5 Hip down push up (try to get arms straight, keep hips down)

6 Scorpion (3 each side)

7 Push Up

8 Ground to overhead (plate of your choice)

Clean and Jerk (Strength:
Power clean + Power Jerk
Build to a heavy single in 12:00

*Power Clean and Power Jerk)

Hulk Hands (Time)

RX Conditioning:

“Hulk Hands”


30/ 24 Cal Bike or Row

20 Double Ground to overhead (50/35lb. DB’s)

24 Front Rack Lunge (50/35lb. DB’s) (12 each)

200m Run

24 Front Rack lunge (50/35lb. DB’s) (12 each)

20 Double Ground to overhead (50/35lb. DB’s)

30/24 Cal Bike or Row


“Hulk Hands”


30/ 24 Cal Bike or Row

20 Double Ground to overhead (35/20lb.)

24 Front Rack Lunge (35/20lb.)

200m Run

24 Front Rack lunge (35/20lb.)

20 Double Ground to overhead (35/20lb.)

30/24 Cal Bike or Row


“Hulk Hands”


30/ 24 Cal Bike or Row

20 Double Ground to overhead (20/15lb. DB’s)

20 Front Rack Lunge (BW)

200m Run

20 Front Rack lunge (BW)

20 Double Ground to overhead (20/15lb. DB’s)

30/24 Cal Bike or Row

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Cool Down:

3×20 Banded Pull a Part


3×10 Cossack Squat (Goblet Cossack Squat)