Today’s goal is build strength on those fresh legs coming off the weekend. Use all 5 sets to get in a total of 40 working reps, 8 should feel hard to accomplish each set. The conditioning today is doozy! The intent is to go fast and take chances, if you can keep the wall ball and gymnastics unbroken then really use this session to refine range of motion and rep speed!
10:00 AMRAP for quality
10/7 Cal Row or Bike
5 Hip down push up
5 Push up
5 burpee
10 Walking lunges
10 Air Squat (2 count hold in the bottom for each rep)
Set up for Back squat partners/ stations
Execute 8 reps between 65-75% 1rm, or RPE 17/20
These should all be working sets, tough to get 8, potential to do 9.
30 Wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)
20 Toes to bar/ Pull Up
2:00 Rest
4 rounds for time.
Rounds 1 and 3 execute Toes to bar
Rounds 2 and 4 execute pull ups
1:00 Pigeon each leg
1:00 Coach stretch each leg