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WOD – Fri, Oct 20


Perhaps everyone’s favorite day of the week? No, not friday but any day we do power cleans? Many gyms across the world get the largest turn out when power cleans are in the programming somewhere, it’s fact. In all seriousness though we prime the body with working supersets of a vertical jerk and horizontal pull. Be sure to work hard all 5 sets, not simply build to a “heavy set”. Then “Double Grace”, a benchmark workout with a spin from the 2014 CrossFit Games. The scaling today should be to something that is a light load. Better to move fast and too light than too heavy and too slow. It is totally viable for athletes to choose to execute 60 smooth singles and end up with better times than athletes who link together small sets and stand around too between sets and the ladder half of the workout, choose wisely.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

7:00 AMRAP

15 Jumping Jack

20 Shoulder tap (top of push up)

5 Hip down push up

10 Empty barbell deadlift

10 Empty barbell strict press

10 Lateral barbell jump over (over and back is 1)


Push jerk progression practice:

5 reps “jump and land” (hands at side)

5 reps “jump and land” (hands at shoulders)

5 reps “Jump, Press under, land”

5 reps empty barbell push jerks

1 round


Strength prep with coach!

Push Jerk (5×3

Superset with Bent Row! )

Bent Over Row (5×10
2:00 rest after each superset.)
Double Grace (Time)


“Double Grace”

60 Clean and Jerk for time.


7:00 Time Cap


“Double Grace”

60 Clean and Jerk for time.


7:00 Time Cap


“Double Grace”

60 Clean and Jerk for time.


7:00 Time Cap