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WOD – Wed, Oct 18


Bench press day! Who isn’t a fan of these? They may not be everyone’s favorite but no less essential. The bench press is a foundational pressing movement that can enhance any overhead pressing movement and shoulder stability. Today’s conditioning is old school, and painful. Chase intensity by going after this in a max effort type of way and holding on for dear life as the intervals pass by! These tabata intervals are potent and work best when intensity and output is maximized early vs. pacing so that each output is the same.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

200m light farmer carry


8 minute AMRAP

5 no push up burpee

1 Wall Walk

10 Overhead Banded pull a part

10 Walking lunge

10 Kipping Swing (pull up rig)


Set up for strength work!

Bench Gains (3 Rounds for reps)

Bench Press

Build to a heavy single today!



2x max reps at 65% of your heavy single from today.

(Score both your load and reps)

Tabata Stuff (4 Rounds for reps)



  1. Push Up
  2. Bent Row (50lb/35lb.)
  3. Shoulder to overhead (95/65lb.)
  4. Bike

Rest 2:00 after each tabata series.

1 Tabata series = 8x :20 max effort work/ :10 rest

Intermediate and Baseline conditioning: Scale movements in such a way to keep moving as best as possible for the prescribed time domains. Better to be lighter and faster than heavier and less work accumulated.

Add the sum of reps at each movement for your score. You’ll have 4 scores today.