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WOD – Sat, Oct 14


Today we open with a favorite strength movement, the bench press. Go heavy and go hard out the gate today. On these days the goal is purely to build more capacity and that demands that all 4 sets are actually working sets. Be sure to spend the needed time to build to your first working set prior to beginning. Our conditioning today is certainly a different flavor, if you haven’t mastered the appropriate jump rope skills, you wont’ only frutstrate yourself today, you will be getting the death stare from your partner. But, feel free to tell them to suck it up! Today is a good day to be motivated to spend more time with your jump rope. Let this be a reminder that jumping rope is one of the greatest moderate impacting monostructural movements that exist. The bouncing in place and the way it increases our heart rate and breathing rate naturally leaves it parallel to running in many ways with a touch less pounding. And it’s something that can be done in the winter months when we can get out and run in the snow and ice. Spend 5:00 before and after class a few days a week with your own rope and you will improve leaps and bounds for “in class” performance.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

2:00 jump rope (any style)


8 minute amrap

3 no push up burpee

5 push up

7 bent row (light DB’s or KB’s)

9 Double DB Deadlift (same weight as bent row)


Prep for strength and pairing for WOD!

Bench Press (Weight)

Barbell Bench press


Every 3:00 execute 1 set of 8 bench press, today these should all be working sets.

During the same 3:00 window execute 10 Dumbbell bent over row.

Hold tight. (Time)

RX Conditioning:

70 Cal Row (Total between both partners)

*Partner not working must hold 135/95lb. Overhead


100 Single unders (each partner)

*Other partner must hold top of push up

200 Single leg single unders (100/100) (each partner)

*Other partner must hold wall sit with 53/35lb. KB in goblet position

100 Double Unders (each partner)

*Other partner must hold KB Front rack (2x 53/35lb.)

**KB’s must be in front of shoulders, not on shoulders

70 Calorie Bike (total between both partners)

*Partner not working must hold barbell in the top of a deadlift position (185/125lb.)

For time.


70 Cal Row (Total between both partners)

*Partner not working must hold 95/65lb. Overhead

100 Single unders (each partner)

*Other partner must hold top of push up

100 Single leg single unders (50/50) (each partner)

*Other partner must hold wall sit with 35/20lb. KB or DB in goblet position

100 Double Unders (each partner)

*Other partner must hold KB Front rack (35/20lb.)

**KB’s must be in front of shoulders, not on shoulders

70 Calorie Bike (total between both partners)

*Partner not working must hold barbell in the top of a deadlift position (135/95lb.)

For time.



50 Cal Row (Total between both partners)

*Partner not working must hold 45/35lb. Overhead

100 Single unders (each partner)

*Other partner must hold top of push up (kneeling option)

100 Single leg single unders (50/50) (each partner)

*Other partner must hold wall sit

200 Single Unders (each partner)

*Other partner must hold 1 KB in goblet position standing upright (35/20lb.)

50 Calorie Bike (total between both partners)

*Partner not working must hold the top of a KB deadlift (25/15lb. Each arm)

For time.