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WOD – Fri, Oct 6


Monostructural buy in, plus a devastating combo of bench press and body weight air squats. We often see bench press as a pure strength training movement but having the ability to “brace” white breathing heavy is a new skill for many to learn and must be mastered. While it’s rare in sport you want to be lying on your back and be forced to get someone off of you, it could be a skill that could save your life one day in unpredictable circumstances. Get your depth and stand tall on each air squat and don’t be too afraid to push the pace on the bike, today’s a good one to try to roll the dice on your fitness a bit. Go fast, and take chances.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or Row


2 rounds

:10 Wall or Rig chest stretch

:10 Supinated dead hang from rig

10 Banded bent over row (stand on band)

10 Shoulder tap (top of push up)

6 Scorpion (3 each side)


5 minute AMRAP (for Quality)

4 Backward lunge (2 each leg)

6 Air Squat

8 Bent Row (DB’s light to moderate load)

8 Strict Press (light DB’s)


Warm up to an appropriate Bench press load and decide how heats will be separated or staggered or appropriate execution. Bench’s can be shared here for athletes using similar loads!

Bench Day? (Time)


50/35 cal Bike


4 rounds

10 Body weight bench press (80% for women is RX)

60 Air Squats

For time.

Goal: Sub 17:00

20:00 Time Cap


50/35 cal Bike


4 rounds

10 75% Body weight bench press (50% for women)

60 Air Squats

For time.


30/20 cal Bike


4 rounds

10 Bench Press (barbell or DB)

30 Air Squats (sitting to a target or box if needed)

For time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×20 Banded pull a part

Superset with

3x 15 GHD Hip Extensions (loaded or body weight) OR 3×20 Superman