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WOD – Tue, Aug 29


Tempo lower body work and high intensity conditioning! Yesterday was a long chipper and today we check back in with lower body strength with a twist. The goal here is to build density within the muscles and to strengthen connective tissue. Focus on position and mobility within the squat. These days can lead to breakthroughs for days we go heavy, these really matter when it comes to training not just for performance but longevity!

Today is a day to encourage the RX loading and challenge to most members. Many more can handle the load of the swing than they may assume. Remember 70 lb or 53lb. Is simply that, many members are intimidated by a KB or DB but wouldn’t be nearly as intimidated by a barbell at 75 or a barbell at 55lb. Help them shift that mindset.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

30/20 Cal bike OR 30/20 Cal Row


1:00 Pigeon stretch each leg

1:00 Couch stretch each leg


10 Spiderman + Twist

10 Scorpion

10 Hip down push up

10 Curtsey Lunge

5 tempo goblet squat (light load)

2 rounds


Set up barbells at rig and decide partnerships.

Have class execute 3 reps empty barbell back squats lead by coach ( a couple heats so you can get everyone through under your eye)

Give 3-4 minutes to let athletes find starting weights and LIFT!


WOD prep after strength:

3 KB Swings

3 Burpee’s

2 rounds as primer to see appropriate loads.

Back Squat (Back squat 

Every 3:00 x 6 sets

Build to a heavy 3 reps

The rule for the tempo today is that you must come UP faster than you go down. This means that during your set of 3 you can’t have any “sticky” reps. Build as you go. Start around 50% of your)

Down Swing (AMRAP – Reps)

RX Conditioning

4:00 AMRAP

6 KB swing (70/53lb.)

6 Burpee

5 rounds

AMRAP double unders in remaining time!

2:00 rest

4:00 AMRAP

5 KB swings

5 Burpee

5 rounds

AMRAP double unders on time remaining

2:00 rest

4:00 AMRAP

4 KB swing

4 burpee

5 rounds

AMRAP double unders on time remaining




35/25 on.

*scale back burpees in volume to something that allows for 1:00 of jump rope.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3x 15 Single leg banded hamstring curl

Superset with

3x 10 KB Plank Pull through (