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WOD – Mon, Jun 26

Warm Up

3 minutes Rowing-Biking-Ski-erg
Over All Dynamic Body Activation
Various banded pull aparts

On a 6:00 clock:

  • After athletes finish the third round they go cycle back through the 3 rounds until the clock hits 6:00.

Round 1:
Partner 1 comes back and they switch.
Partner 1: 100-m jog
Partner 2: PVC overhead alternating lunges

Round 2:
Partner 1 comes back and they switch.
Partner 1: 50-m side shuffle each direction
Partner 2: alternating lateral lunges

Round 3:
Partner 1 comes back and they switch.
Partner 1: 100-m run
Partner 2: hang squat snatch


3 Muscle snatch
3 Power snatch
3 Overhead squat

Power Snatch Complex (6 Rounds for reps)
Every 1:30 for 6 sets 12 minutes
3 muscle snatches + 2 power snatches + 1 overhead squat.
Build up to a heavy complex

The muscle recruitment goal is to lift slightly heavier Nancy. work out

Nancy (Time)
5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#


5 rounds for time:
400-m run
15 overhead squats (45/65 lb)


3 rounds for time:
400-m run
15 overhead squats (PVC or empty barbell)


  • Classic CrossFit benchmark. Last programmed on 10/23/2021.
  • 12:00-17:00.
  • Light loading and large sets for the overhead squats.
  • Fast but consistent pace on the runs.

Cool Down

3-5 minute bike row flush

2 rounds:
1:00 calf roll
1:00 quad smash