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WOD – Mon, Jun 12


3 minutes Rowing-Biking-Ski-erg
Over All Dynamic Body Activation

1 set:
10 leg swings/leg
10 lateral leg swings/leg
5 air squats
5 sumo stance squats
5 narrow stance squats
5 air squats

1 set:
10 arm swings across
10 arm swings overhead
10 torso twists/direction
5 air squats
5 sumo stance squats
5 narrow stance squats
5 air squats

1 set:
5 inchworms + 1 push-up each
:30 alternating spiderman stretches
:30 air squats

Strength Work – Push Jerk

Single Leg Squat Progressions

Push Jerk (5 X 2 – Build to a heavy double)

Barbell comes from the floor


1 round:
4 alternating DB single-leg squats
3 push jerks
– Use workout weight/variations.

Metcon (Time)


5 rounds for time:
14 alternating DB single-leg squats (20/35 lb)
7 push jerks (105/155 lb)
– Use a single DB.


5 rounds for time:
14 alternating DB single-leg squats (15/25 lb)
7 push jerks (75/115 lb)
– Use a single DB.


5 rounds for time:
14 alternating DB reverse lunges (10/15 lb)
7 push jerks (35/45 lb)
– Use a single DB.

cool down

1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side