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WOD – Fri, Apr 14

Warm Up

2minutes Rowing Running Biking
Over All Dynamic Body Activation

1 set:
:30 single-unders
10 air squats, focus: hips back
10 DB deadlifts

1 set:
:30 single-single-double
10 push up to pike
10 single DB squat

1 set:
:30 double-unders or attempts
10 world greatest stretch 5 side
10 DB bent rows
5 DB push press

2-3 Rounds
5Deficit DB Push ups
3DB squat cleans 35/50
2DB Push press
10 Double undersSingles

Cool Down

1 set:
1:00 double-forearm stretch
1:00 saddle stretch
:30 calf stretch/side

Cool Down

coaches choice

041423 WOD (Time)

8 rounds for time of
10 Deficit DB Push ups
6 DB squat cleans 35/50
4 DB Push press
30 Double unders

8 rounds for time of
10 Deficit DB Push ups
6 DB squat cleans 20/35
4 DB Push press
30 Double unders

8 rounds for time of
10 Deficit DB Push ups
6 DB squat cleans 10/20
4 DB Push press
30 Singleunders

Push to stay unbroken in all movements