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WOD – Sun, Jan 29
Starting in February the Monday 615pm WOD will now be an Olympic Lifting Class. Striking is being cancelled and replaced with a 615p WOD on Thursday's.


2-3 minutes Rowing Running Biking
Over All Dynamic Body Activation

2 rounds:
Each drill down 50-ft and back:
High knee karaoke
Over the hurdle
Knee to chest
Lunge with a pause and reach up
Lunge with a torso twist
Toe touch kick
High knees
Butt kicks

1 round:
Run 100-m, moderate pace
Rest 1:00
Run 100-m: run 100-m, faster pace
Rest 1:00
Run 100-m: 100-m, fast pace

2 sets:
10 shoulder taps
5 inch worms + push-up
:15 push-ups

Skill Work


For total time:
800-m run
– Rest 1:00
400-m run
– Rest :30
200-m run

Metcon (Time)


5 rounds for time:
75 double-unders
25 push-ups


5 rounds for time:
1:00 double-unders
25 push-ups


5 rounds for time:
50 single-unders
15 push-ups

800-m run: 1,600/1,800-m C2 bike, 2,000/2,300-m air bike, 800/1,000-m row or ski 400-m run: 800/900-m C2