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WOD – Mon, Dec 19


2-3 minutes Rowing Running Biking
Over All Dynamic Body Activation.

3 sets:
50-ft walking lunges
10 lateral plank walks/direction
5 log rolls/direction (lay on side and roll 5 rotations to the right and then to the left. These can be performed as alternating rolls in place)

50-ft DB walking lunge (front-back rack practice)
5 single-arm DB deadlifts/arm
5 single-arm DB hang power cleans/arm
5 alternating DB hang snatches
10 lateral hops over DB

1 set:
50-ft DB walking lunges
10 alternating DB hang snatches
5 single-arm DB hang power cleans/arm
10 lateral hops over DB
5 DB deadlifts/arm

221219 WOD (Time)


For time:
150-ft DB walking lunges (35/50 lb)
50 alternating DB hang snatches
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 single-arm DB hang power cleans
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 lateral hops over DB
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 single-arm DB deadlift
– Use a single DB for all weighted movements.


For time:
150-ft DB walking lunges (20/35 lb)
50 alternating DB hang snatches
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 single-arm DB hang power cleans
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 lateral hops over DB
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 single-arm DB deadlift
– Use a single DB for all weighted movements.


For time:
100-ft DB walking lunges (10/15 lb)
30 alternating DB hang snatches
100-ft DB walking lunges
30 single-arm DB hang power cleans
100-ft DB walking lunges
30 lateral hops over DB
100-ft DB walking lunges
30 single-arm DB deadlift
– Use a single DB for all weighted movements.

<h3>INTENDED STIMULUS</h3><ul><li>10:00-16:00.</li><li>Unbroken lunges every round.</li><li>Hold the DBs in any way necessary during the lunges.</li><li>Sets of 10+ on the hang snatches, hang cleans, and deadlifts.</li><li>Okay if athletes go a little over the stimulus today.</li></ul>

Cool Down

1:00 foam roll quads
1:00 foam roll lower back
1:00 foam roll calves