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WOD – Fri, Nov 4


2-3 minutes Rowing Running Biking
Over All Dynamic Body Activation

2 sets:
10 jumping squats
10 shoulder taps/side
10 mountain climbers /side
10 PVC good mornings
10 PVC pass thrus
10 PVC overhead lunges


Back Squat (E2MOM 12
1×10 50%
1×5 70%
1×5 75-80%
1×3-to -5 85-90%
1×2-to -3 90-95%
1×1 Find todays 1RM)

Find todays 1 RM or work off of 1RM from last week


1 set:
7/10 calorie row-bike-
5 lateral burpees over the rower-object
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups/pull-ups/jumping pull-up

221104 WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

5 x 2:00 rounds for reps:
14/20-cal row-bike
10 lateral burpee over the rower-object
Max-rep chest-to-bar pull-ups
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.

5 x 2:00 rounds for reps:
10/15-cal row-bike
10 lateral burpee over the rower-object
Max-rep pull-ups
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.

5 x 2:00 rounds for reps:
7/10-cal row-bike
10 lateral burpee over the rower-object
Max-rep jumping pull-ups
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.

<h3>INTENDED STIMULUS</h3><ul><li>Finish the row-bike&nbsp;in ~1:00.</li><li>Complete the burpees by 1:30.</li><li>1-2 attempts at the chest-to-bar pull-ups.</li><li>10+ reps on the C2B every round.</li></ul>
Finisher (Checkmark)

3 sets:
10 staggered stance good mornings/leg (empty barbell)
10 alternating Cossack squats

Cool Down

1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side
1:00 reach, roll, and lift
1:00 couch stretch /side