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WOD – Mon, Oct 31


2-3 minutes Rowing Running Biking
Over All Dynamic Body Activation

3 Minute BB Complex 35/45 15/35 PVC
2x High pull
2x Hang clean
2x Front squat
2x Press

Shoulder Press (E2MOM Shoulder press 5 sets
1×3 60%
1×3 70%
1×3 80%
1×3 90%
1×1 find todays 1RM
Clean it from the deck with a partner)
221031 WOD (Time)

4 rounds for time:
20 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft)
400-m run

4 rounds for time:
20 wall-ball shots (10/14 lb) (9/10 ft)
400-m run

4 rounds for time:
15 wall-ball shots (6/10 lb) (9/10 ft)
200-m run

<h3>INTENDED STIMULUS</h3><ul><li>13:00-14:00.</li><li>Unbroken wall-ball shots.</li><li>Finish the 400-m run in under 2:30.</li><li>Advanced athletes should push the run at a pace that is faster than they want to go if performing sets of unbroken wall balls aren’t much of a challenge.</li></ul>
Hang power clean and Jerk (Weight)

E2MOM 5 sets
3 hang power clean and jerk

Cool Down

1 set:
1:00 foam roll quads
1:00 couch stretch/side

Cool Down

1 set:
1:00 foam roll quads
1:00 couch stretch/side