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WOD – Wed, Oct 26


2 minutes Rowing Running Biking
Over All Dynamic Body Activation

1 set:
10 alternating soldier kicks
10 alternating Samson stretches
10 inch-worms
10 alternating reverse lunges
10 skier jacks
10 tuck jumps
10 sit-ups
10 alternating scorpion stretches
10 up-downs


1 set:
200-m jog (conversation pace)
10 alternating box step-ups
1:00 plank hold

1 set:
200-m run (moderate pace)
10 box jumps (step down from the top)
20 Russian twist

1 set:
200-m run (workout pace)
10 box jumps (workout height)
10 sit-ups

221026 (Time)


For time:
200-m run
40 box jumps (20/24 in)
40 sit-ups
200-m run
30 box jumps
30 sit-ups
200-m run
20 box jumps
20 sit-ups
200-m run
10 box jumps
10 sit-ups

Same as Rx’d

For time:
100-m run
20 box jumps (20/24 in)
20 sit-ups
100-m run
15 box jumps
15 sit-ups
100-m run
10 box jumps
10 sit-ups
100-m run
5 box jumps
5 sit-ups

<h3>INTENDED STIMULUS</h3><ul><li>10:00-15:00.</li><li>Triplet that reduces loading and strain on the body.</li><li>Keep moving and limit rest as much as possible.</li><li>Spend 1:00 or less on each 200-meter run.</li></ul>
Finisher (Checkmark)

3 sets:
:30 plank hold on rings
– Rest :30
:30 seated leg raises
– Rest :30
– Ring should be about 6-inches off the ground.

Cool Down

2 sets:
:30 foam roll IT band/leg
:30 foam roll calves/leg