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WOD – Wed, Oct 12

<p>3 minutes Rowing Running Biking<br />Over All Dynamic Body Activation<br /> </p><p><b>2 sets:</b><br />1:00 jumping jacks<br />:20 hollow rocks<br />:20 bent-over rows BB<br />:20 shoulder presses BB<br />– Rest/transition for :10-:20 between movements.</p><p> </p><h4>CLEAN AND JERK REVIEW&nbsp; BB<br />5 deadlifts<br />5 power cleans<br />3-5 jump-and-land, hands on shoulders (No BB)<br />3-5 push jerks<br />10 clean and jerks</h4>
Clean and Jerk (Weight)
<p><b>BUILD UP EMOM 5:</b><br />3 clean and jerks<br />– Complete all reps as fast singles.</p>

<p> </p><section><h4>BAR MUSCLE-UP&nbsp;<br />10 kip swings<br />3 kip swings + 3 big kips<br />3-5 kipping pull-ups or C2B pull-ups<br />2 x climbing pull-up drill<br />1-3 bar muscle-ups</h4><p> </p></section><h4>MINI-ROUND | 2:00</h4><p><b>1 set:</b><br />2 clean and jerks<br />3-5 bar muscle-up-C2Bar-Pullup-ring row<br />2 clean and jerks<br />– BMU-C2B-Pullup-Ring row&nbsp;must be unbroken.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
WOD 221012 (Time)
<article><h3>RX<br /><strong>For time:</strong><br /><strong>12-9-6:</strong><br />Clean and jerks (125/185 lb)<br />Bar muscle-ups</h3><p>INTERMEDIATE<br /><strong>For time:</strong><br /><strong>12-9-6:</strong><br />Clean and jerks (95/135 lb)<br />Chest-to-bar pull-ups<br /> </p></article><article><p>BEGINNER</p></article><article><p><strong>For time:</strong><br /><strong>12-9-6:</strong><br />Clean and jerks (55/75 lb)<br />Jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups<br /> </p><h3>INTENDED STIMULUS</h3><ul><li>Less than 10:00.</li><li>Finish the round of 12 by 4:00 and the round of 9 by 7:00.</li><li>Quick singles on the clean and jerks.</li><li>High skill mixed with moderate load for a workout that feels fast, but requires some pacing.</li></ul></article>
Finisher (Checkmark)
<p><strong>Accumulate:</strong><br />50 strict ring dips</p>

Cool Down
<p><b>2 sets:</b><br />:30 cobra stretch<br />:30 pigeon stretch/leg</p>