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WOD – Sun, Oct 9

<p><strong>2 sets:</strong><br />:30 PVC pass thru<br />:30 push-ups<br />:30 scap pull-ups/ kip swings<br />:30 wall squats<br />– Rest :10 between movements and sets.<br /><br /><strong>2 sets:</strong><br />:30 alternating step-ups<br />:30 ring support hold<br />:30 strict pull-ups<br />:30 overhead squat<br />– Rest :10 between movements and sets.</p><p><b>Every :30 for 10 sets:</b><br />2 touch and go power snatches</p><p><b>2 sets:</b><br />5 box jumps<br />5 power snatches (workout weight)<br />– Both sets AFAP.</p>
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
<article><p><strong>RX<br />AMRAP 7:</strong><br />7 box jumps (20/24″)<br />7 power snatches (55/75 lb)</p></article><article><h3><strong>INTERMEDIATE</strong><br />Same as Rx’d</h3></article><article><h3><strong>BEGINNER<br />AMRAP 7:</strong><br />7 box step-ups (12/20″)<br />7 power snatches (35/45 lb)</h3></article>

Cool Down
<p><b>Accumulate:</b><br />1:00 foam roll quads<br />1:00 foam roll lower back<br />1:00 foam roll calves</p>