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WOD – Thu, Oct 6

<p>3 minutes Rowing Running Biking<br />Over All Dynamic Body Activation</p><p> </p><p><b>1-2 sets:</b><br />:30 shoulder taps<br />10 kip swings or ring rows<br />:30 inchworms<br />10 kip swings or ring rows<br /><br /><b>1 set:</b><br />:30 partial wall walk<br />10 sit-ups<br />:30 partial kick-up<br />10 lying toes-to-bars<br />:30 wall walk hold or handstand hold</p>

<h4>SQUAT CLEAN PROGRESSION&nbsp;<br />3-5 reps&nbsp;Deadlift<br />3-5 reps&nbsp;Deadlift and shrug<br />​​​​​​​3-5 reps Muscle clean<br />​​​​​​​3-5 reps Front squat<br />​​​​​​​3-5 reps Hang squat clean<br />​​​​​​​3-5 reps Squat clean</h4><h4>SQUAT CLEAN WARM-UP&nbsp;<br /><b>3 sets:&nbsp;</b><br />3-5 squat cleans<br />​​​​​​​Workout weight or above</h4>
<article><h3>RX<br /><strong>4 rounds for time:</strong><br />1:00 handstand hold<br />7 squat cleans (115/165 lb)<br />14 toes-to-bars</h3><p>INTERMEDIATE<br /><strong>4 rounds for time:</strong><br />:30 handstand hold<br />7 squat cleans (75/115 lb)<br />14 knees-to-armpits</p></article><article><p>BEGINNER<br /><strong>4 rounds for time:</strong><br />:30 plank hold<br />7 hang squat cleans (35/45 lb)<br />14 hanging knee raises</p><p> </p><h3>INTENDED STIMULUS<br />13:00-20:00.</h3><ul><li>Finish the squat cleans in 1:30 or less.</li><li>The squat clean weight should be moderate.</li><li>Complete the toes-to-bars in 3-4 sets.</li></ul></article>
Finisher (Checkmark)
<p><strong>Accumulate:</strong><br />200-ft. handstand walk</p>

Cool Down
<p><b>Accumulate:</b><br />1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side<br />1:00 reach, roll, and lift</p>