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Run/Bike/Row 4:00
General Stretching

Barbell Warmup (3rnds)
– 5 Romanian Deadlifts
– 5 Hang Power Cleans
– 5 Elbow Punches
– 5 Front Squats
– 5 Strict Presses
– 5 Thrusters

Double Under Practice:
EMOM for 5 minutes:
20 Double Unders or Single, single, double for 5-10 attempts.

Metcon (Time)
3 RFT per partnership

800M RUN
100 Thrusters (#35/45)
200 Double Unders

***Partner must call out how many thrusters they will do unbroken. If they break (rest) before hitting their number, they must do burpees while the other partner works***

Intermediate / Beginner
3 or 2 rounds for time of:
800 / 600M RUN
100 / 50 Strict Presses
200 / 100 Single Unders