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2 minutes Rowing Running Biking
Over All Dynamic Body Activation
1 set:
:20 on/:10 off
Mountain climbers
Jumping jacks
Jumping air squats

1 set:
:20 on/:10 off
Mountain climbers
Jumping jacks
Jumping lunges

Partner up
1 set:
10 deadlifts (empty bar)
7 deadlifts
6 deadlifts
5 deadlifts (workout weight)
– Spend no more than 5:00 on the deadlift.

1 set:
8 KB swings to shoulder height
8 KB swings overhead
– Spend no more than 1:00 on the KB swing.

1 set:
10 overhead squat (PVC or empty bar)
7 overhead squats
5 overhead squats (workout weight)
– Spend no more than 4:00 on the Overhead squats

1 set:
3 burpees
– Spend no more than :30 on the burpees

1 set:
3 kip swings + 3 big kips (unbroken)
3-5 kipping pull-ups
3-5 kipping chest-to-bar pull-ups
– Spend no more than 3:00 on the pull-ups.

1 set:
5 box jumps
– Spend no more than :30 on the box jumps

1 set:
3 DB power cleans
3 DB squat cleans
– Spend no more than 1:00 on the DB squat cleans.

LUMBER JACK 20 2022 (Time)
RX As a TEAM Split the reps run together. (30:00)
For time:
20 deadlifts (185/275 lb)
400-m run
20 KB swings (24/32 kg)
400-m run
20 overhead squats (75/115 lb)
400-m run
20 burpees
400-m run
20 chest-to-bar pull-ups
400-m run
20 box jumps (20/24 in)
400-m run
20 DB squat cleans (30/45 lb)
400-m run

For time:
20 deadlifts (105/155 lb)
400-m run
20 KB swings (16/24 kg)
400-m run
20 overhead squats (55/75 lb)
400-m run
20 burpees
400-m run
20 pull-ups
400-m run
20 box jumps (20/24 in)
400-m run
20 DB squat cleans (20/35 lb)
400-m run

For time:
20 deadlifts (55/75 lb)
200-m run
20 KB swings (8/12 kg)
200-m run
20 overhead squats (35/45 lb)
200-m run
20 burpees
200-m run
20 jumping pull-ups
200-m run
20 box jumps (12/20 in)
200-m run
20 DB squat cleans (10/15 lb)
200-m run

All runs done in under 2:30.
You Go I Go rep scheme of every movement.
Use a load on the deadlifts and overhead squats that is challenging but can be completed in 1-3 sets.
Scale all other movements to prioritize intensity and speed.

Cool Down
2 sets:
:30 frog stretch
:30 couch stretch/leg