Over All Body Activation
Then "Tabata " Core Alternate 8 Sets of:
:20 BP Russian twist
:10 Rest
:20 Scorpions
3 sets:
:20 work/:10 rest
PVC pass-throughs
Piked push-ups
Counter-balance squats
– Use a 10-15-lb plate for the squats and elevate the feet as desired on the piked push-ups.
SKILL WORK | 10:00
2 wall walks
10 handstand shoulder taps
10 handstand shoulder taps
2:00 HS walk practice
On a 5:00 clock:
Max-distance handstand walk
Or type of handstand progression
1 set:
3-5 strict handstand push-ups
5 box jumps
3-5 kipping handstand push-ups
5 box jumps
1 set:
3 strict handstand push-ups
5 air squats
3 strict handstand push-ups
5 air squats
3 kipping handstand push-ups
5 box jumps
For total time:
3 rounds:
12 strict handstand push-ups
50 air squats
– Rest 3:00 –
3 rounds:
12 kipping handstand push-ups
25 box jumps (20/24 in)
For total time:
3 rounds:
6 handstand push-up negatives
50 air squats
– Rest 3:00 –
3 rounds:
6 kipping handstand push-ups
25 box jumps (20/24 in)
For total time:
3 rounds:
15 hand-release push-ups
30 air squats
– Rest 3:00 –
3 rounds:
15 push-ups
15 box jumps (20/24 in)
1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side
1:00 reach, roll, and lift
1:00 pigeon/side
Finish each couplet in 5:00-7:00.
Build upper and lower-body stamina in preparation for Murph; practice larger sets of movement.
Finish HSPU in 1-3 sets every round and take no longer than 1:30 on the squats and box jumps.
Avoid pacing and push the intensity of each couplet.