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WOD – Thu, Mar 6


Today’s optional flow or go is for the week 2 open announcement which takes place today! Since we will program 25.2 tomorrow, we want people to have the freedom to come and train hard today but also to choose to simply “move” or “flow” through this workout and be ready to be in full attack mode tomorrow!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General (10:00)

100m Run

5 inch worm

10 Spiderman

100m Run

10 Walking lunge

10 Hollow Rock

100m Run

10 KB press each arm (light)

10 KB Lateral side bends (each) (light)

100m Run

100m Row


Specific (10:00)

3 Single arm KB Deadlifts each arm

50ft. (Each) Carry finding farmer carry weight for today

3 Turkish sit up each side

3 Turkish get up each side from top (down back to up)

5 narrow air squat (prep ankles for candlestick)

3-5 candlestick (find scale needed)

Conditioning (Time)


400m Run

200m Single arm farmer carry (50/35lb.)

10 Candlestick

30 Hollow rock

30 Walking Lunge (no weight)

10 Turkish Get ups (5/5) (53/35lb.)

200m Single arm farmer carry (50/35lb.)

400m Row

30:00 Flow or Go


400m Run

200m Single arm farmer carry (35/20lb.)

10 Candlestick

30 Hollow rock

30 Walking Lunge (no weight)

10 Turkish Get ups (5/5) (35/20lb.)

200m Single arm farmer carry (35/20lb.)

400m Row

30:00 Flow or Go


200m Run

100m Single arm farmer carry (15/10lb.)

10 Candlestick with support (band assistance)

20 Hollow rock

20 Walking Lunge (no weight)

10 Turkish Get ups (5/5) (15/10lb.)

200m Single arm farmer carry (15/10lb.)

200m Row

30:00 Flow or Go

Cool Down (Checkmark)

5:00 static stretch/foam roll

  • Couch stretch
  • Pigeon stretch
  • Arm across body shoulder stretch
  • Overhead tricep stretch
  • Pec stretch (arm against rig or wall)

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