General (7:00)
1:00 shuttle run
1:00 bike
1:00 lateral shuffle
2 rounds
Specific (13:00)
:10 dead hang
3/3/3 Kip swing (3 kip swing, stop but don’t drop x 3)
2 kip swing 1 Pull Up
2×3-5 pull ups building to chest to bar as ready
10 Step back lunge
10 lateral lunge
10 Curtsy lunge
5 Air Squat
5 Wallball Front Squat
5 Wallball push press to target
2×5 wall ball to target
5 Deadlift
5 Front Squat (barbell)
5 Squat Clean
2×3 Building to first double of strength work
EMOM x 8 minutes
2 Squat Clean (Build to a heavy double, not touch and go)
RXConditioning (15:00)
5 Unbroken front squats (from the floor) (205/135lb.)
20 Unbroken wall ball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)
15 Chest to bar pull up
4 rounds for time.
Goal: Sub 12
Cap: 15:00
5 Unbroken front squats (from the floor) (135/95lb.)
20 Unbroken wall ball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)
15 Banded chest to bar pull up
4 rounds for time.
5 Unbroken front squats (from the floor) (35/15lb.)
10 Unbroken wall ball (10/6lb.) (adjusted height)
10 Chest to bar inverted row (bar in rack)
4 rounds for time.
GHD Hip extension
3×10-15 (can add load)
Foam roll quads and glutes!
Today we get very specific on demands. Both the front squats and wall balls must be unbroken in today’s workout. That means, yes, we want you to go as fast as possible but both those movements, especially back to back will present a unique challenge. The pull ups can be broken up each round as needed but should be achievable in 3 sets at most.