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WOD – Tue, Mar 4


Today is a day focused on local muscle stamina and mental drive! There will be a challenge presented in the flow today due to athletes being trapped for 3:00 straight at one movement. For some, heavy breathing will limit the double under and for most it will be skill. On the row it will come down to the fatigue built from yesterday’s deadlifts and how well they can sustain a fixed but aggressive pace, and the bench press will be all about breaking up the sets early and often and not reaching “burn out” too soon in the 3:00 time frame!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General (8:00)

1:00 couch stretch each leg

1:00 pigeon stretch each leg

:30 calf stretch each leg

10 dual calf raise

10 dual toe raise

20 heel to toe rock


Specific (13:00)

3:00 jump rope steady moving/ skills

3:00 Row skills and drills (partial leg only strokes, hip + arms only strokes, full strokes)

10 Banded pass through

10 Banded pull a part

15 Banded bent row (standing on band)

5 push up

5 Empty barbell bench press

2×5 Building in load to strength training

Bench Press (Weight)

Every 2:00 x 4 sets

Building to a heavy set of 3 bench press today!

Conditioning (AMRAP – Reps)

RXConditioning (15:00)

For max reps

3:00 max double under

3:00 Rest

3:00 max cal Row

3:00 Rest

3:00 max bench press (155/95lb.)


For max reps

3:00 max double under (can mix singles but best to practice and attempt dubs)

3:00 Rest

3:00 max cal Row

3:00 Rest

3:00 max bench press (105/65lb.)


For max reps

3:00 max single unders or plate jumps

3:00 Rest

3:00 max cal Row

3:00 Rest

3:00 max bench press (35/15lb.) or sub DB’s

Cool Down (Checkmark)

False grip ring row

3×8-12 reps for quality.

Consider challenging yourself with body position. For stronger athletes pound for pound, they can place feet on a box equal to the height of the rings.

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