General (4:00)
:30 jumping jack
:30 row
4 rounds
Specific (18:00)
2 Inch worm
4 Spiderman
8 Plank shoulder tap
2 rounds
10 Hollow rock
10 Superman
2 rounds
1 Partial wall walk + :05 hold midway
2-3 Wall walk (rest as needed, practice)
:10-:20 Hang supinated grip
5 Scap pull up (pronated)
2×5 kip swings (hollow arch practice)
1×5-10 Hanging/kipping leg raise, not full T2B
2×3-5 toes to bar or kipping hanging leg raise
5 Empty barbell deadlifts
3×5 touch and go deadlifts (building in load to strength piece)
Every 2:00 x 5 sets
Execute 5 touch and go deadlifts (building past today’s workout weight for final 2 sets)
RXConditioning (15:00)
2:00 AMRAP
1 Wall Walk
3 Deadlift (315/225lb.)
5 Toes to bar
2:00 Rest
3:00 AMRAP
2:00 Rest
4:00 AMRAP
*Begin each AMRAP where you left off
2:00 AMRAP
1 Partial Wall Walk
3 Deadlift (225/155lb.)
5 Hanging leg raise
2:00 Rest
3:00 AMRAP
2:00 Rest
4:00 AMRAP
2:00 AMRAP
10 Plank shoulder tap or 2 pike walk up (walk hands toward toes)
3 Deadlift (45/25)
5 Lying leg raise
2:00 Rest
3:00 AMRAP
2:00 Rest
4:00 AMRAP
High intensity complementary movements and short time domains to start. The goal is to be challenged by both capacity aerobically and strength throughout. The reps are prescribed in small sets to prevent stoppage and resting and focus on getting into the next transition. The loading of the barbell can be “heavy” but each athlete should feel as though they could do touch-and-go for 3 unbroken at least through the first 5 rounds for the workout (5×3 unbroken).