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WOD – Thu, Mar 13


Flow or go day is simply a choice to burn it down and get a solid higher volume day of high breathing and non destructive movement or take it easy, keep relative intensity around 6 or 7 out of 10 and get some blood pumping throughout the body and sweat prior to tomorrow’s final Open workout. If you are planning on feeling fresh tomorrow you may consider reducing the number of reps on any movements you consider “hard” or that will create a “sore” feeling tomorrow.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General (10:00)

100m run

100m row or :20 bike

4 rounds


:20 couch stretch each leg

:20 pigeon stretch each leg

:20 pec stretch each arm (rig or wall)


Specific (8:00)

:10 wall sit

6 walking lunge

:10 plank

6 plank shoulder tap

5 medball slam

6 rotational medball slam (3 each side)

6 sit up

Flow or Go (Time)


30/24 cal bike or row

:30 wall sit

30 sit up

30 walking lunge (unweighted)

30/24 cal bike or row

30 plank shoulder tap

30 Standing rotational ball slam

30 alternating V up

3 rounds for time or quality

Goal: Sub 35:00

Cap: 40:00


Same as RX’d


15/10 Cals on ergs

20 reps for all movements

:20 on isometric move (wall sit)

Cool Down (Checkmark)


1-3 minutes of table stretch

Link:– YouTube

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