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WOD – Wed, Mar 12


Today we get into some bar muscle up practice. Goal here is to be in tune with where you may need to enhance your skills or capacity to progress toward having your first bar muscle up or improving the ability to link them together. Then in the conditioning today we put them into development under fatigue.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General (7:00)

:30 Row

:30 Plank shoulder tap (1,3) / Sit up (2,4)

4 rounds


10 PVC pass through

10 PVC pass through (lying on floor, chest down)

10 PCV pass through (bottom of squat)


Specific (4:00)

3 DB Deadlift each arm (single arm)

3 DB hang snatch each arm

6 Alternating DB hang snatch

6 Alternating DB hang snatch at workout weight


Into skill portion to prep and practice BMU

Skill (Checkmark)

15:00 bar muscle up skills and drills

  • :20 Dead hang
  • 10 Scap pull up
  • 5 Kip swing / :02 pause / 5 kip swing
  • 3 kip swing + 2 big kips (press down with straight arms)
  • 3 kip swings / 3 pull ups / 3 kip swings
  • 2 kip swings + hip to bar pull
  • Jump to glide kip practice x 3 sets
  • Jump to glide kip into bar muscle up attempt x 3-5
  • Linking bar muscle ups practice! 2-3 sets

*If athletes can RX bar muscle ups but can do a kipping and strict pull up they can progress through all the steps to attempting bar muscle ups. If athletes don’t have the capacity to do a strict pull up, they should scale steps after 3kip swing + 2 big kips with feet on box or banded.

Conditioning (AMRAP – Reps)

RXconditioning (12:00)

1:00 Alternating Hang DB snatch (50/35lb.)

1:00 max bar muscle up

1:00 Row (cals)

1:00 Rest

3 rounds for max reps


1:00 Alternating Hang DB snatch (35/20lb.)

1:00 max bar muscle up (Banded or jumping)

1:00 Row (cals)

1:00 Rest

3 rounds for max reps


1:00 Alternating Hang DB snatch (15/10lb.)

1:00 3 Wall push up + 3 Inverted row (max reps)

1:00 Row (cals)

1:00 Rest

3 rounds for max reps

Cool Down (Checkmark)


3x 20 banded pull a part


3x 20 plank shoulder tap

Rest as needed

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