General (5:00)
200m Run
5 kneeling cat/ cow
20 Alternating quad stretch (heel to butt)
20 high knee side pull
20 high knee shin pull
10 step back lunge
10 Curtsy lunge
Specific (8:00)
5 air squat
5 medball front squat
5-10 wallball
3 back squat with 2 count hold on bottom
3 back squat with slow down fast up tempo, no pause
Every 2:00 x 5 sets
Execute 5 back squats (standing up as fast as possible each rep, descending with control)
All sets should be at 50-55% 1rm.
*If these reps feel “slow” due to the load, then lighten them up, better to be fast out of the bottom.
30 wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)
400m run
4 rounds for time
Goal: Sub 16
Cap: 20:00
30 wallball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)
400m run
4 rounds for time
15 wallball (10/6lb.) (custom height)
200m run
4 rounds for time
3×10 Single leg + single arm Romanian deadlift
3×12 Lateral bridge raise (each side)
Rest as needed.
Today we squat heavy then squat lots! This workout today is lower body biased after a lot of upper body press, holding, and pulling yesterday. The goal with these squats for strength speed today is all about being fast out of the bottom of the squat. This doesn’t mean that we accelerate down, we still control the down, but we go fast and aggressive from the bottom up. If you feel slow due to the resistance selected, then lighten the load. This may feel contrary to your mind on getting stronger, but much of strength limitation originates in the inability to move a load or our body FAST. So we will develop that today.
For the conditioning, can you hold onto the ball for unbroken sets? Is that better for the overall time or does it slow your run too much? Choices, choices.