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WOD – Sun, Feb 9

Sunday Conditioning (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

5:00 Work/ 2:30 Rest

In the working minute:

2 minutes max cals on a machine

Into AMRAP 3min

3 wall walks

10 goblet squat 50/35 35/25 25/15

10 push up

10 medicine ball cleans 20/14 14/10 10/6

4 rounds for total reps

In the 5 minute window the athlete will complete max calories in the first 2 minutes. In the remaining three minutes they will perform an AMRAP of the listed movements then rest for 2:30.

Finisher (Checkmark)

Accumulate 1-2 minutes of a hollow body hold. Every time you break perform 10 supermans