General (6:00)
40/30 Bike cals as a pair
20 Seal Jack
10 Curtsy lunge
10 Shoulder tap (plank)
20 Stationary high knees
2 rounds
Specific (12:00)
3x 30ft. Sled push practice (variety of loads to practice)
5 Light single arm DB deadlift each
2x 5 DB hang snatch each side (light to workout weight)
3-5 Wall walk practice and find scaling variant
RXConditioning: (20:00)
1:00 at each station for max reps with partner/4 rounds for total reps
- Sled push (90lb on sled/60lb. on sled)
- Alternating Hang DB Snatch (50/35lb.)
- Lower body complex (1 air squat, 1 lunge left, 1 lunge right = 1)
- Bike calories (or row)
- Wall Walk
1:00 at each station for max reps with partner/ 4 rounds for total reps
- Sled push (45lb on sled/ 30lb. on sled)
- Alternating Hang DB Snatch (35/20lb.)
- Lower body complex (1 air squat, 1 lunge left, 1 lunge right = 1)
- Bike calories (or row)
- Wall Walk
1:00 at each station for max reps with partner/ 4 rounds for total reps
- Sled push (No weight on sled)
- Alternating Hang DB Snatch (15/10lb.)
- Lower body complex (1 air squat, 1 lunge left, 1 lunge right = 1)
- Bike calories (or row)
- Wall Walk (Partial range) or Inch worm (walk hands back to feet)
3×10 Alternating dumbbell hammer curl (slower down then faster up tempo)
3×12 Dumbbell overhead tricep extension
Today we have a fun partner workout! The work will be split up into 1 minute working stations. Each one minute interval can be broken up according to how the team decides they want to split the work. The goal is to have a challenge for each member of the team yet for them to be consistently working throughout the entire minute as a pair, meaning that when one person is working the other person is resting, and once it’s their turn to work they should feel adequately prepared. There will be some movement overlap in building fatigue. The workout is presented in such a way to try to maximize intensity throughout the full 20 minutes. Have fun and do your best to keep track of your score.