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WOD – Fri, Feb 7


Today we have a high skill heavy loaded workout. We will prime the deadlift before the workout in order to make executive decisions on the weight selections as the rounds proceed. We don’t want to over fatigue the body prior to today’s workout, so remember we are just allowing ourselves to understand what our potential is for the final 9 deadlifts and to build slightly beyond that in today’s primer. We will spend adequate time practicing ring muscle ups today. The goal is to actually help people progress in the ring muscle ups, and perhaps help people get their first ring muscle up or refine the skill of linking their first muscle ups together. Find a skill that is challenging for the scaling option of today’s ring muscle up for you individually–the goal is not to do the same scale every time the ring muscle up presents itself, but find new ways to challenge yourself and always be sure the scale will progress your capacity in that specific skill in the long run. Have fun, go fast, take chances!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General (6:00)

1:00 Row

1:00 3 inch worm + 6 walking straight leg kick to hands (3/3) + 5 push ups

3 rounds

Skill: (15:00)

15:00 of ring muscle up skills and drills

  • Ring support drills
  • False grip ring transitions (kneeling/ low rings)
  • Ring Row muscle ups (feet further from under body)
  • No false grip ring row muscle ups (open hips for faster transition)
  • Ring swings (hollow arch + control of rings)
  • Ring muscle up attempts/ practice (false or non false grip)
Deadlift (Weight)

Primer strength:

7:00 to build to a touch and go set of 3 deadlifts heavier than your final weight in today’s metcon.

1×5 empty bar

3×3 building

Conditioning (Time)


21 Deadlifts (255/165lb.)

6 Ring muscle up

15 Deadlifts (305/215lb.)

9 Ring muscle up

9 Deadlifts (355/265lb.)

12 Ring muscle ups

For time.

Goal: Sub 11 minutes

Cap: 15 minutes


21 Deadlifts (135/95lb.)

6 Ring row muscle up

15 Deadlifts (185/125lb.)

9 Ring row muscle up

9 Deadlifts (225/155lb.)

12 Ring row muscle ups

For time.


21 DB Deadlifts (15/10lb.)

6 Ring row + 6 Wall push up

15 DB Deadlifts (25/15lb.)

9 Ring row + Wall push up

9 DB Deadlifts (30/20lb.)

12 Ring row + 12 Wall push up

For time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×20 alternating superman


3×15-20 GHD hip extension (additional load allowed)