General (7:00)
400m Run
10 Banded bent row
10 Banded pull a part
3 inch worm
10 Burpee
2 rounds
Specific (6:00)
5 Plate ground to overhead
10 high knee marching steps overhead plate hold (5 each)
5 kipping swing
3-5 toes to bar
2 rounds through (increase load of plate each round)
Rope Climb skills (15:00 of skills and drills)
- Standing pInch / clasp foot drills
- Seated on box pinch/ clasp foot drills
- Jumping to rope pinch/ clasp foot drills
- Laying to standing climb: Hand and arm strengthening
- Full rope climbs
RXConditioning: (15:00)
30 Ground to overhead (45/35lb. plate)
150 ft. overhead plate carry (45/35lb.)
25 Toes to bar
30 Burpees to rig
25 Toes to bar
150ft. Overhead plate carry (45/35lb.)
30 Ground to overhead (45/35lb. plate)
For time.
*If no 35lb plates then use 25+10lb.
Goal: Sub 12:00
Time cap: 15:00
30 Ground to overhead (35/25lb. plate)
150 ft. overhead plate carry (35/25lb.)
25 Hanging leg raise
30 Burpees to rig
25 Hanging leg raise
150ft. Overhead plate carry
30 Ground to overhead
For time.
20 Ground to overhead (15/10lb. plate)
100 ft. Overhead plate carry (15/10lb.)
20 V Up
20 Burpees to rig
20 V Up
100ft. Overhead plate carry
20 Ground to overhead
For time.
3×12 single arm upright row
3x 10 rower pike
Today we set aside time to practice a high skill and often overlooked aspect of fitness: rope climbs! We won’t have them in conditioning today just to consider class size and volume and rotating through the movement, but this will be adequate time to further your capacity and rope climbs and also increase your chances at surviving a zombie apocalypse! For today’s conditioning we have simply a light to moderate plate and that is the only external equipment we really need. We will be using a movement (“ground to overhead”) that is commonly used in the form of a clean and jerk or a snatch with dumbbells or barbells. The plate allows for less skill focus and more raw capacity and speed. We’ll then carry that plate as our shoulders begin to fatigue for 150 ft distance and then put more demand on them through the toes to bar and the burpees. You’ll find yourself making your way back down through this chipper with the severe pump going through your upper body and a high heart rate. The goal is to continue moving from beginning to the end and try to have your rest be predicted. Remember, in order to have a great time for today’s performance, you must choose rest before rest chooses you. This will minimize the length and duration of your resting.