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WOD – Wed, Feb 5


Today we go heavy! The lift of choice will be a back squat today and we will execute one working set every 3 minutes for six total sets. The sets will vary in the weight that you will be able to use due to the change in rep schemes. The goal for you is to identify each set as a working set. That means if there are seven reps, you should be challenged enough that you can make seven but doubt your ability to do eight or even nine. We finished our 6th and final set with a set of 20 reps! When it comes to challenging the body, the response will be a deep burn in the legs and a really high heart rate. So while today is a heavy day, there will still be a focus on conditioning for the final set of back squats. The set can take a while and several breaths may need to be taken at the top of each rep toward the latter part of the set in order to give you success at moving a heavy weight for 20 reps unbroken. Our cooldown is for time and it is a big focus on our core. Ten hollow rocks and five candlesticks will allow you to strengthen and condition your midline and also act as a means to flush the lactate built up in our legs from all the squatting. Have fun!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General (6:00)

1:00 Bike

1:00 2 inch worm + 4 Spiderman + 5 Air Squat

3 rounds

Specific (10:00)

5 empty barbell back squat (2 count pause in bottom range)

5 light back squat (no pause)

3x 3 back Squat (building bar toward working sets)

Back Squat (7-5-3-2-2-20)

RXConditioning/ Intermediate/ Baseline: (20:00)

Back squat (heavy day)

Every 3:00 execute 1 working set of the listed reps schemes below.


Cool Down (Time)

10 Hollow Rock

5 Candlestick

6 rounds for time.