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WOD – Tue, Feb 4


Today we work on everyone’s favorite lift: the Turkish Get up! Yes we say that with sarcasm but we also understand the value of this movement for building elite levels of fitness and for survival as we continue through our lifetime. Getting up off the ground may not be our favorite choice modality for improving our fitness, but it is the one most essential. Turkish Get ups and burpees may be cursed by many but they are valued by all. In our conditioning today, we bench press row and sit up. You choose your variation but the goal is for the bench press to be challenging enough that it builds fatigue, allowing you to start unbroken and may demand one rest in the seven reps as the sets progress. You want to scale the three movements in such a way that allows for a minimum of 30 seconds rest before it’s time to begin your next interval.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General (6:00)

10/7 Cal Row

10 no push up burpee

10 Banded or PVC pass through

3 rounds

Specific (7:00)

5 Push up

5 light single arm overhead step back lunge (each)

5 Sit up

2 rounds

2×3 Turkish get ups each side (practice for sets below)

Turkish Get Up (Weight)


Turkish get ups

4×3 each arm

Today we intentionally start with pretty light weight and add intensity by more load for each set.

Bench Press (Weight)


Build to and find proper load of 7 unbroken reps

Conditioning (Time)

RXConditioning: (15:00)

Every 3:00 x 5 sets

7 Bench press (185/115lb.)

14/11 Calorie row

21 Abmat Sit up (GHD considered for advanced athletes)

*Athletes should complete work in 2:30 in order to get a bit of rest before the next interval begins.

**Today’s score is the slowest interval!


Every 3:00 x 5 sets

7 Bench press (135/85lb.)

14/11 Calorie row

21 Abmat it up


Every 3:00 x 5 sets

7 Bench press (35/15lb.)

8/6 Calorie row

12 Abmat it up

*Consider dumbbells for athletes struggling with shoulder limitations on bench press.

Cool Down (Weight)

3×15 Dual dumbbell bent row

1:00 rest